My journey into building my own business and managing stress.

6 years ago, I was made redundant from an industry that I had been in since leaving school, it was “what I did” and “all that I knew”!  I remember in that moment, and in the weeks that followed, that feeling of panic, “what would I do”, “how would I pay bills”, “what would I tell people” and “who was I” without this job.  Alongside this panic, I also had a little ‘glimmer’ of excitement about potential opportunities to make a major difference in my life.  I decided to take this ‘glimmer’ and look at setting up my own business.  As much as this was an exciting time, it also came with a lot of stress and anxiety, deciding on the best way to do things, questioning if people would use my services, how I would market and advertise and most importantly would I make enough money to pay my bills.  The anxieties presented itself in a very physical way. 

I had a constant itchy scalp, which then created dandruff due to the constant scratching.  I changed shampoo, massaged oils into my head, ad many other lotions and potions to help this condition.  I then recognised that I needed to put something in place to reduce my stress about running my own business.  I took the time to consider what was specifically triggering my stress.  I thought about the areas of my business that I wasn’t confident in and could really benefit from the advice of others.  But the thing that was glaringly obvious to me, was the fact that I had, overnight, gone from working with a team of people to suddenly doing everything on my own.  The social aspect of my job was gone, I was unable to get someone to just check over something for me, I didn’t have a second opinion or someone else’s experience and expertise to rely on. 

It was at this point that I made the decision to find myself a team of people.  I went out and found a group called BNI, who are a group of local businesses there to help, support, develop and work to find business for each other.  6 years on, I still attend these meetings and I have made friends for life, I have a group of people who I can run ideas by, I can ‘pick their brains’ for guidance and advice, I have social events and my business has grown and developed into something that allows me to have a good work/life balance.  Most importantly BNI has helped me to maintain my mental health as a sole trader. 

How BNI Can Improve Your Mental Health in Business

Business Network International (BNI) is a global networking organisation that helps business professionals build relationships, exchange referrals, and grow their businesses. While BNI is primarily known for its business development benefits, it also offers several mental health advantages that can positively impact entrepreneurs and professionals. Here’s how BNI can improve your mental health in business:

1. Reduces Feelings of Isolation

  • Community and Belonging: Running a business can be isolating, especially for solo entrepreneurs. BNI provides a supportive community where members can connect with like-minded professionals, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Regular Interaction: Weekly meetings offer consistent opportunities to interact with others, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

2. Provides Emotional Support

  • Peer Support: BNI members often share challenges and successes with each other, creating a network of peers who understand the unique pressures of business. This peer support can be invaluable for mental well-being.
  • Encouragement and Motivation: Being part of a group that celebrates your achievements and offers encouragement can boost your confidence and motivation, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety.

3. Enhances Confidence and Self-Esteem

  • Public Speaking Practice: BNI meetings often involve speaking in front of the group, which can help improve public speaking skills and build confidence. As members become more comfortable presenting, their self-esteem grows.
  • Positive Feedback: Receiving positive feedback and recognition from peers in BNI can reinforce a sense of competence and success, which is crucial for maintaining a positive self-image.

4. Reduces Stress Through Business Growth

  • Increased Referrals: BNI focuses on generating business through referrals. As members receive more referrals, their businesses grow, reducing the financial stress and uncertainty that can negatively impact mental health.
  • Structured Networking: The structured approach to networking in BNI can lead to more efficient and effective business development, which can reduce the stress associated with finding new clients or managing a fluctuating income.

5. Fosters Personal Development

  • Skill Building: BNI encourages personal and professional development through various training and leadership opportunities. Learning new skills and taking on leadership roles can contribute to a sense of accomplishment and personal growth, enhancing mental well-being.
  • Goal Setting: Members are encouraged to set and achieve goals, which can provide a sense of direction and purpose, reducing the anxiety that often comes with running a business.

6. Promotes Work-Life Balance

  • Time Management: BNI’s structured meetings and clear expectations encourage members to manage their time effectively, which can help in balancing work and personal life. Better time management can reduce burnout and improve overall mental health.
  • Support for Personal Life: The relationships built in BNI often extend beyond business, providing a support system that can help members manage the challenges of both work and personal life.

7. Offers a Sense of Accountability

  • Commitment to Success: Being part of a BNI chapter involves a commitment to helping others succeed. This sense of accountability not only drives business growth but also instils a sense of responsibility and purpose, which can enhance mental health.
  • Structured Routine: The regular routine of attending meetings and participating in BNI activities provides structure, which can be comforting and help reduce anxiety related to the unpredictability of business.

8. Encourages a Positive Mindset

  • Focus on Growth: BNI’s emphasis on positive relationships, business growth, and mutual support fosters a positive mindset. This focus on positivity can help members stay motivated and resilient, even during challenging times.
  • Inspirational Environment: Being surrounded by successful and driven individuals can be inspiring and energising, promoting a positive outlook and reducing feelings of discouragement.

9. Creates Opportunities for Relaxation and Fun

  • Social Events: BNI chapters often host social events, which provide opportunities for relaxation and fun outside of the typical business environment. These events can help members unwind and build deeper connections, which are beneficial for mental health.
  • Celebration of Success: BNI regularly celebrates the successes of its members, which can help individuals appreciate their achievements and enjoy the journey, contributing to a healthier mental state.


BNI offers much more than just business networking opportunities; it provides a supportive community that can significantly enhance mental health. By reducing isolation, offering emotional support, building confidence, and promoting personal development, BNI helps business professionals manage the stresses of entrepreneurship and create a more balanced, fulfilling life. Whether you’re looking to grow your business or improve your mental well-being, BNI can be a valuable resource.

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Kelly Combe
Kelly is a qualified counsellor offering confidential therapeutic support for a range of issues, including stress, depression, anxiety, bereavement, relationship difficulties, low self-esteem, trauma, abuse, phobias and many more.

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